10% off any service booked before 9/15/23. (offer expires 6/1/2024)

Hi, I'm
Max Pierre Jr.

I'm thrilled you're here.

I'm Maxwell Pierre Jr. However, you can call me Max. Raised in Brooklyn, NY, now an Atlanta based commercial, portrait and fashion photographer and content creator. In my 10+ years as a full-time creative, my art has grown to be an extension of myself. An extension that finds thrill in creating beautiful imagery from blank canvases and adding my artistic expression to old and new concepts. In my career, I've had the awesome opportunity to work with great brands like Dillards and Mercedes Benz and also have had my work featured in magazines such as Vogue, Modern Luxury and, and Malvie.

Content creation has become a passion and skill that I still use to this day to get our works in front of our awesome customers that I still serve to this day! I take pride in helping to create longevity for brands and businesses in their fields by reaching their forever customers through content creation.

Yours truly,
Max Pierre Jr.

Let's talk

I look forward to hearing about you upcoming projects and seeing how I can possibly use my expertise to help elevate your project.